Difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia, is the feeling of food “sticking” in your throat or chest and can be one of the complications of Acid reflux/GERD, Eosinophilic esophagitis, Esophageal cancer, Achalasia and other disease that affect the esophagus.
Symptoms of Dysphagia:
- Pain while swallowing
- Not being able to swallow
- Sensation of food “sticking” in your throat or chest
- Coughing when swallowing
- Unexpected weight loss
Swallowing can also become painful, which is known as odynophagia. This burning, squeezing sensation while swallowing is caused by irritation to the lining of the esophagus that can occur from acid reflux/GERD, achalasia or infections.
If you experience difficulty swallowing on a regular basis, you may have a serious condition requiring treatment. See a gastroenterologist if you develop dysphagia so that it can be properly diagnosed and promptly treated.
For more information, visit: http://patients.gi.org/topics/dysphagia/